
I Believe

All of us land on this planet with a larger purpose in life.
Some of us spend a lifetime in search of our mission. Some while away
their lives aimlessly.
Some are lucky enough to find their goals early and live a focussed,
directed life.
Many allow a rat-race to rule their lives in the guise of 'ambition'.
Some shine, some are frustrated. Some find their purpose, only to lose
their way later.
Few stop to appreciate the simplicity that can hide a 'larger' purpose.
A flower stands, a reminder of beauty, spreading its fragrance.
A mother makes her child complete, nurturing it, teaching it the value of love.
And however meaningless a mendicant's life may seem, it too has a purpose.

I believe we owe it to the divinity that gives us life, to find and
fulfill that purpose.
For it must always be a noble one -- whether a lofty ideal to leave
this world the better,
a grand vision, a drive to excel, or simply the will to nurture a
fulfilling relationship.
We owe it to the breath that infuses life, to strive in every action
to raise the bar,
to realise the potential of our talents and the gifts we are blessed with.
I believe working towards our larger purpose is key to finding peace
and happiness, for it is then that we are in harmony with our true nature.
Sometimes we must remind ourselves that such a quest does exist - like
a holy grail -
and no matter how distant it may seem, we must never give up.
But rather stop and take stock of where we are headed, and rebuild ourselves.
I believe at one point or the other, most of us must walk through the
doors of hell
and back. But we must know that we are the stronger for it, and say to
'I Am Unbreakable!' - for they may cut me down, but they can never break me!
In our darkest hour, when we are lost, must we take a step back, to
stop and connect with that 'purpose'.
For it always gives a meaning and breathes colour into our lives.
If it looks like a hard road to take - and it might - must we gather
the courage of heart and calm of mind,
to walk that road, undaunted.
And so I believe it my purpose to endeavour to excel, to better my best.
To sleep tonight in the knowledge that I learned something today that
I didn't know yesterday,
that I created something beautiful, which I proudly sign my name to.

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